Monday, 27 December 2010

I love Blackrock! from Daniel Spencer on Vimeo.

Ben – Designs and story boards

Niki- Modeling and Animation

Niall – Modelling and Animation

Anna – Background Colours and Textures

Myself – Modeling and Animation

Brian Boylan and Rob Spencer – Music

This was part of our submission to the 'I Love Blackrock' competition. I worked on this part. We won the competition so 2011 is off to a great start and Im very excited :)
We won a space in the media cube for a year, rent free

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Horror Coloured

Meant to post this up ages ago, but totally forgot. Just the coloured version of my October post for the Collective Thinking.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Jungle XFactor

Untitled from niki-kehoe on Vimeo.

I've been working on 'Jungle XFactor' with Ben Hennessy ( Dan Spencer ( and Anna O Sullivan (
Ben was director and designer.
Dan was animator, sound/music engineer and compositor.
Anna worked on the backgrounds.
I was an animator on the project.

I animated these scenes and some more that were edited out in the final edit:

Monday, 8 November 2010

Collective Thinking

A few of us have gotten together to do a project where every month we pick a theme and do something artistic in response.
Here's the new blog

Thursday, 14 October 2010


Just a doodle I did when it was quiet in work. It from a Polish film poster called Reverse

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Gru & Dave

Getting into Despicable Me mode! Its out on Friday and I cant wait!!! :D

Friday, 8 October 2010

Jungle XFactor

Jungle X-Factor from niki-kehoe on Vimeo.

This is a short flash animation for Brent Pope, who will hopefully be showing a clip on RTE next month. It's by Ben Hennessy, director and designer (, Dan Spencer, modeller, animator, sound engineer and compositor (, Anna O Sullivan, background artist and modeller ( and myself (modeller and animator). We did the whole thing in 3weeks. We still have a few minor fixes to make, but this is pretty much it!

Friday, 1 October 2010

This is a still image of the animations I've been working on this month!! Ben Hennessy ( designed the character and drew up the background. I built the character and animated it. Deadline is looming, but I think it will look great when its done :)

Lost In Space

Just a quick sketch for the monthly post this month :) It was fun!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Monday, 16 August 2010

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Witchy Witch!

Was just sketching when I got back to Wexford. I'll colour it later

Monday, 19 July 2010

Washing (by J. Drinkwater!)

I have a book of children's poems which I read through for some inspiration. I found 'Washing' by John Drinkwater (alias I presume!)

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Leaflet design

This is an informational leaflet I worked on a few months ago for Soroptimist Wexford

Toy Story 3

I got to go to a premiere screening of Toy Story 3 today with a Q&A after by directer Lee Unkrich and producer Darla K Anderson. Writer Michael Arndt was also there. All three signed my Toy Story 3 poster! The film is A-MAZING. The Toy Story trilogy is arguably the best trilogy there is. LOVE IT

Monday, 28 June 2010

What's New!

I finished up in Kavaleer,, on Friday. I had a brilliant time working there, so hopefully there will be more projects I can work on in the future. Everyone there was amazing and I learned tonnes.

Now I have tonnes of free time, so what to do! Well, aside from my long weekend to Kerry for a hol, I will be doing a new business card, sprucing up my blog and doing some more flash projects. I might even try figure out how to do my website. I bought my domain name before Christmas and I still haven't done a thing with it!

Watch this space anyway, because it should be getting shinier over the next few weeks!!

Friday, 25 June 2010


I was asked did I want to work in the states for a while, so obviously I said 'yes please!!' so now my name, and a few other Ballyfermot heads, are mentioned in this online article. Its a really interesting site and worth a look.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Saturday, 19 June 2010

New Life Drawings

A little better than the last day I think, but still very rusty

Monday, 14 June 2010

Pin-up girl

Sadly it was a total rush getting this finished, what with moving house and all. But hopefully you can see where I was going with it. Will prob finish it up better when Ive finished moving!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Gris Grimly inspired me today

I was looking at some Gris Grimly work today and I just had to draw some of his stuff and learn from him!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Life Update!

CS5 has finally all I have to do is reformat my laptop so I can use it!!! Back to work in Kavaleer on Tuesday, after 2 very sunny weeks off! :) All good

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Adobe CS FIVE!!!!

Got word today that my copy of Adobe CS5 is on route to my house (from Studica). I cant wait to get it! Gonna be amazing!!!

Meeting with RTE today went really well. Me and Dan are officially on their books! Only a teeny tiny project, but hey, ya gotta start somewhere!! :D

Working on a Flash animation for GAMMA. Givin that socks at the moment. Hopefully have a really nice production package for them by Friday.

Lots to keep me going, but no new images to post! But hooray for CS5. Cant wait to get it!!!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Hip Hop short animation

Untitled from niki-kehoe on Vimeo.

The Full finished 10sec.

Hip Hop 10seconds

Untitled from niki-kehoe on Vimeo.

Ben Hennessy, Dan Spencer, Fiona Curran, Grace Chan and myself worked on this ten second animation for Brent Pope's book tour

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Inspector Throrou

Myself and Dan Spencer ( are working on a little project for RTE for a new series they are putting together. This is out initial proposal for the characters. They were happy with them, so lets hope we get a little further on the project than just concept work! :D

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Colour Concept Work

Ben gave me some designs to colour for a character that we (Ben, Dan, Fiona, Grace and myself) are working on for Brent Pope. These are my 1st few concepts

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

All My Kit

All My Kit from niki-kehoe on Vimeo.

I worked with Dan Spencer, Ben Hennessy, Grace Chan, Billy Shing and Graham Holbrook on this flash animation for All My Kit ( I did the close up on the rugby player.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Epson on it's way!

Wuuuu, you shall not hear me complain about printers for a while. My shiny new Epson (NOT HP, which are total rubbish) is on its way. Thank you Pixmania!

Scanners Conspire Against

So I have tried to post my showreel to my blog, but I cant watch any video's, on my blog or anyone elses, so I have no idea if its working (let me know!) and my scanner, which has always been a useless piece of junk, has just died, and I cant even scan onto the product software! Technology is conspiring against me.